Doctoral program Thesis Distinctions 2024 (Top 8%)

© 2024 EPFL
From the left
Annabell Martin, Filippo Buttignol, Jacob Blaskovits and Rémi Lavernhe
Each year, a distinction is granted to a selection of very high quality theses, in order to highlight the doctoral candidates’ research work and their scientific merit. For each doctoral program, nominated graduates are selected on the basis of their oral examination. Then a selection committee evaluates the nominees and rewards the best 8%.
Congratulations to the EDCH laureates for 2024
- Annabell Martin under the guidance of Prof Clémence Corminboeuf (LCMD) and Prof Pablo Rivera Fuentes (LOCBP)
- Filippo Buttignol under the guidance of Prof Oliver Kröcher (Sustainable Energy Carriers and Processes) and Dr Davide Ferri
- Jacob Blaskovits under the guidance of Prof Clémence Corminboeuf (LCMD)
- Rémi Lavernhe under the guidance of Prof Jieping Zhu (LSPN)