Appointment of EPFL professors

© 2024 EPFL
The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment of professors at EPFL.
New appointment at EPFL

Professor Markus Jeschek, currently Professor at the University of Regensburg, Germany, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering in the School of Basic Sciences (SB) and the School of Life Sciences (SV).
Markus Jeschek’s research programme, for which he received an ERC Starting Grant in 2023, focuses on synthetic microbiology, particularly protein and enzyme engineering, the design of genetic circuits and investigating the microbiome. This work is at the forefront of data-based approaches to synthetic biology, the aim of which is to enable high-throughput analyses of biological systems. His appointment facilitates numerous cooperation opportunities both within EPFL and also with the Swiss universities and hospitals.
Award of the title of “Professor” at EPFL

Dr Samy Bengio, currently Senior Director for AI and Machine Learning Research at Apple Inc., Cupertino, USA, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)
Samy Bengio conducts research at the interface between industry and business on the themes of artificial intelligence and machine learning. He joined Google Inc. in 2007 before moving to Apple in 2021. Samy Bengio is a global leader in his field with a unique profile that combines a remarkable career in the tech sector with world-class basic and applied research. At EPFL, Samy Bengio will be active in teaching while also expanding the opportunities for academic collaboration with Apple.

Professor Michael Bronstein, Scientific Director of the AITHYRA Institute, Vienna, Austria, and Professor at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Engineering (STI)
Michael Bronstein has a global reputation as a researcher and inventor in the field of artificial intelligence and its biomedical applications. He is the DeepMind Professor of AI at the University of Oxford. He was previously Head of Graph Learning Research at Twitter and a professor at Imperial College London. He is the recipient of many awards and grants, including five ERC grants. In addition to his academic career, Michael Bronstein is a serial entrepreneur and founder of multiple startup companies.

Professor Raphael Gottardo, currently Professor at the University of Lausanne and Director of the Biomedical Data Science Center at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), as Adjunct Professor in the School of Life Sciences (SV)
Raphael Gottardo is a pioneer in the field of statistical methods and open source software for the analysis and integration of high-throughput genomic data. His work is being applied throughout the world in immunology, vaccine research, immunotherapy and infection biology, and will enrich research and teaching at EPFL.

Dr Florence Graezer Bideau, currently Senior Scientist at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor at the College of Humanities (CDH)
Florence Graezer Bideau is a multi-award-winning expert in the field of anthropology and urban cultural heritage. Working in the field of Critical Heritage Studies, she explores the complex interaction between culture and power. Her innovative comparative research methodology integrates qualitative and quantitative methods, thus bridging the gap between the social and natural sciences. Florence Graezer Bideau’s interdisciplinary research and collaborative projects will greatly enrich EPFL.

Professor Mary-Anne Hartley, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Yale University, New Haven, USA, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)
Mary-Anne Hartley’s research takes place at the interface of data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. She develops digital tools for the healthcare sector, in particular to improve healthcare in contexts where resources are limited. Mary-Anne Hartley is part of a vast international research network and leads collaborative projects between EPFL, Yale University, CMU-Africa, hospitals and various NGOs and foundations.

Dr Satoshi Takahama, currently Senior Scientist at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Satoshi Takahama is an innovative, award-winning researcher in the field of atmospheric chemistry and air pollution. He investigates aerosol chemistry and physics in the context of air pollution and global change. He is a recognized authority in the application of infrared analysis for chemical characterization of complex media. He and his group has pioneered analytical measurement technologies to enable understanding of atmospheric aerosol composition trends on a prolific scale and maintains active collaborations with leading researchers worldwide to further advance this effort.
Award of the title of “Professor of Practice” at EPFL

Daniel Neuenschwander, Director of Human and Robotic Exploration, European Space Agency (ESA) in Cologne, Germany, as Professor of Practice in the School of Engineering (STI)
Daniel Neuenschwander is an internationally renowned figure in the aerospace sector, with extensive experience in the field of space technologies and management. He previously was Director of Launchers at ESA. Before joining ESA, he was Head of the Swiss Space Office and the Swiss Delegation to ESA. He also served as Deputy to the Swiss State Secretary for Space Affairs, including for the ESA Co-Presidency at Ministerial level. With his solid expertise in the domain of spatial technologies and management, Daniel Neuenschwander’s involvement in teaching at EPFL will be a valuable opportunity for students.

Professor Christoph Hartmann, Head of Academic Alliances & Expertise Development at Nestlé Research, Lausanne, as Professor of Practice in the School of Engineering (STI)
Christoph Hartmann has extensive teaching and research experience in the field of food science, with a focus on sustainable food production, in addition to sound expertise in strategic innovation management. Before joining Nestlé, he held an associate professor position at the Technical University of Munich and then a full professor position at the German University in Cairo. Since 2019, he has been an Honorary Professor at the Technical University of Berlin. His contribution as a teacher at EPFL will strengthen the educational offering on a strategic subject for EPFL.