Actu: filter your news by section on your Wordpress page

Cloudtag © 2020 EPFL

Cloudtag © 2020 EPFL

Do you manage a news channel embeded on a page of your EPFL Wordpress website? It is now possible to filter and display a series of specific articles by section (category).

This feature allows you to have a main news channel, dedicated to your laboratory for example, then to use themes or the names of your projects to sort a list of specific articles on each of your web pages, a bit like a traditional daily newspaper managing topics as 'sports', 'politics', 'culture' sections.

How to do ?

Step 1: In your news channel, you can add a series of local sections, that you choose by yourself.
Edit section on

You find your sections when you create a news. If you wish to add a section, send a request to [email protected] ; don't forget to specify the name of the channel.

Step 2: On the News block that you add on your Wordpress page, you will find this list of sections in the block parameters on the right column. Just select one to display only the news tagged on your page.

Edit bloc wp