A. Manzoni's EPFL PhD thesis awarded at YIC 2013

Dr. Andrea Manzoni wins the 2013 ECCOMAS PhD Olympiads for the best 2012 PhD thesis in Fluid Mechanics with his 2012 thesis "Reduced Models for Optimal Control, Shape Optimization and Inverse Problems in Haemodynamics".

The "ECCOMAS PhD Olympiads", a selection for the two best PhD theses in Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering, have preceded the second Young Investigators Conference (YIC), organized in partnership with the "European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences" (ECCOMAS).

The award ceremony for the two best PhD theses (respectively in Solid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics) and the best PhD Olympiad oral presentation will take place during the conference in Bordeaux, France, from 2 to 6 September 2013.

Dr. Andrea Manzoni, a former researcher at the "Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing" (CMCS), graduated in the Summer 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Alfio Quarteroni and Dr Gianluigi Rozza, within a research project funded by a Swiss National Science Foundation.

Dr. Manzoni now holds a postdoctoral research grant at SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy, in the recently established SISSA MathLab Laboratory.