7AESE in Eucentre Foundation in Pavia

© 2017 EPFL

© 2017 EPFL

Prof. Lignos gave a presentation during the 7th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering.

The title of the presentation was on the "stability of wide flange steel columns under mutli-axis cyclic loading" and discussed the main findings of a coordinated experimental/numerical program that investigated the hysteretic response of more than 40 steel columns. The 7th International Conference on progresses made in Experimental Structural Engineering (7AESE) took place at EUCENTRE Foundation in Pavia (Italy) on 6th and 8th September, 2017. The event was a special occasion to share experiences and to discuss about the new procedures and technologies to test structural systems and/or devices, which can lead to a better understanding and characterization of physical behaviors.