6 Master projects - spring 2011

Six Master students started their Master project at LBE, five students from the SIE Section and one from the SSV Section. Two students, supervised by Prof. Christof Holliger, carry out their Master project in the Laboratory for Environmental Biotechnology, four students, supervised by Dr. Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel, carry out their Master project in a Company or University abroad.

Corbaz Marie. Multi-parameter study on the start-up phase in aerobic granular sludge technology for wastewater treatment. Teacher: Prof. Christof Holliger. Assistant: Samuel Lochmatter.
Gilbert Louise. Evaluation of silicate minerals for acid neutralization during bioremediation of high concentrations of chlorinated ethenes. Teacher: Prof. Christof Holliger. Assistant: Elsa Lacroix.
Grandjean Pauline. Effects of different organic wastes on pollutant removal from the Cd and DDTs cocontaminated soil by Sedum alfredum (Cd hyperaccumulator) intercropped with Ricinus communis (DDTs accumulator). Teacher: Dr Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel. University/Company: Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Hack Gabrielle. Assainissement de la décharge de Colliare à Pentaz, étude de variantes. Enseignant: Dr Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel. Ecole/ Entreprise: Canton de Vaud. Pfistner Charlotte. The role of roots in the phytoextraction of bioavailable zinc. Teacher: Dr Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel. University/Company: Phytotech (Berne).
Signorell Coralie. Production of a thermostable fumarase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the bioconversion of fumarate to L-malate. Teacher: Dr Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel. Assistant: Hisao Ohtake. University/Company : Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Pfistner Charlotte. The role of roots in the phytoextraction of bioavailable zinc. Teacher: Dr Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel. University/Company: Phytotech (Berne)