100% of the Library training offer goes online



Following the campus lockdown in March 2020, the Library has maintained its services to the public remotely. Among the activities impacted by the sanitary situation, all training sessions were organized online. What did participants think of this offer? The Library Teaching Teram wanted to know more and conducted a survey to gather participants' opinions during the summer.


22% of the people who attended one or more of the Library online training session during the lockdown completed the survey. 60% of the participants were attending a Library training course for the first time. The same percentage of participants were PhD students, who are the target audience of the training courses offered during this period.

Most of the participants (75%) stated that the acquisition of skills was as effective through remote learning as through face-to-face teaching. For participants, the main advantage of online training is flexibility. Interactions with teachers and between participants during the sessions are very popular, whether they take place online or on-site. Whether the training is online or face-to-face, the large majority of participants (90% in both cases) say they would like to attend future training sessions offered by the Library.

Following this survey, the Library will offer all of its courses online and on-site for at least this semester. When campus attendance returns to normal, the offer will continue to consist of both teaching modes.

Read the report: https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/281161?&ln=fr


In addition to the trainning sessions already announced for the semester, the Library organizes three new sessions. Don't hesitate to register!

The Library Teaching Team is looking forward to seeing you soon on-site, for a training session or an other service. Toute l’équipe de la Bibliothèque se réjouit de vous revoir dans ses locaux, pour une formation ou un autre de ses services.