“Skilled Indian Migration and Development: To Europe and Back”

© 2013 EPFL

© 2013 EPFL

Report on the final Round Table of the Project “Migration, Scientific Diasporas and Development: Impact of Skilled Return Migration on Development in India”: 1st March 2013 - International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva

Skilled migration and development

The continuous rise in international skilled migration has increased the interest in promoting mechanisms to channel knowledge and further migrants’ resources back to their home countries, especially when these are less advanced countries. Recent studies offer evidence of the positive effects of skilled migration through knowledge transfers via scientific diaspora networks, business and entrepreneurial investments, social and financial remittances and eventual returns to the homeland.

Study on Indian skilled migration

While India is seen as a country that benefits from such positive effects, it lacks a comprehensive understanding of the obstacles and enablers that influence the process of transferring knowledge and skills from abroad and upon return. The project “Migration, Scientific Diasporas and Development: Impact of Skilled Return Migration on Development in India” seeks to broaden the knowledge-base on skilled return migration and its impact on development, and to explore strategies to leverage the potential of scientific diasporas.

Taking the example of Indian skilled migration, the study draws on data collected simultaneously in the host and home countries between 2011 and 2012. On the one hand, we examine skilled Indians in four European destination countries (France, Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland) while on the other, we study skilled Indian returnees in India. The research illustrates the development aspirations of skilled Indians in Europe and their transnational networking actions to encourage knowledge circulation and create positive linkages with India. It also shows the incidence overseas exposure has on their professional and social position after returning to their home country, and the problems they face when transferring their specialized knowledge and technical skills gained abroad.

Scientific cooperation with international partners

The project is coordinated by the Cooperation and Development Center (CODEV) of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and it is implemented in collaboration with the International Migration Branch (MIGRANT) of the International Labour Office (ILO), the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK) and the International Migration and Diasporas Studies (IMDS) Project of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). Funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS), the project runs from January 2011 until February 2013.

Two international Round Tables to disseminate research findings

Two events have been organized to disseminate the research findings. A First Round Table was held at JNU in New Delhi on 4th February 2013. A Final Round Table will take place at ILO in Geneva on 1st March 2013. The objective of the Final Round Table is to discuss the policy relevance and implications of the research findings with a broad audience which will include a variety of stakeholders who deal with skilled migration and mobility and the migration and development nexus. The policy report resulting from the project will be presented at this event.

Further information:

Dr. Gabriela Tejada, Project Leader: [email protected]