Metro line m1 service interrupted for 10 days

m1 will only drive from EPFL to Renens.
The m1 metro line between Lausanne-Flon and EPFL will be closed for alterations from Monday August 8 to Wednesday August 17.
Twenty years after bringing the first passengers from Flon to Renens, the m1’s rails need to be replaced. The TL (transports publics de la région lausannoise) will start this consequent work on Monday, the 8th of August — implying the closing of all stations between Lausanne-Flon and EPFL until Wednesday, the 17th of August.
Replacement buses will circulate according to the same frequency and schedule for all stations except Provence stop, which will not be in service and the Vigie stop will be moved to the Tivoli stop (Bus 13 line). Smartphone users can obtain real-time schedule information from QR codes found at each station stop.
For the EPFL public who desire to go to Lausanne city-center, the frequent and rapid trains that part from Renens (still accessible via m1 metro) are a good solution, as well as in the opposite direction.
The TL would like to remind us that, in spite of the interruption of service, it is important to remain at a safe distance from the rails due to the passage of a work-train from time to time.