LIONS @ UAI 2014

© 2014 EPFL

© 2014 EPFL

The paper "A variational approach to stable principal component pursuit" by A. Aravkin, S. Becker, V. Cevher and P. Olsen has been presented at the 30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2014), Quebec City, Canada, 23-27 July 2014.

The paper "A variational approach to stable principal component pursuit" by A. Aravkin, S. Becker, V. Cevher and P. Olsen has been presented at the 30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2014), Quebec City, Canada, 23-27 July 2014. The conference is the premier international conference on research related to representation, inference, learning and decision making in the presence of uncertainty within the field of Artificial Intelligence.