JMM paper published

© 2017 EPFL

© 2017 EPFL

Congratulations to Tom for his newest paper in JMM. Within this work we show the effect of local laser heating on the resonance frequency of microcantilever structures. This effect strongly depends on the mode shape, and we can recover perfectly well the behaviour via numerical simulations. Our research might have a strong impact in the field of nanomechanical sensing with resonant cantilevers.

Optical detection back-action in cantilever resonant or static detection presents a challenge when striving for state-of-the-art performance. The origin and possible routes for minimizing optical back-action have received little attention in literature. Here, we investigate the position and mode dependent optical back-action on cantilever beam resonators. A high power heating laser (100 μW) is scanned across a silicon nitride cantilever while its effect on the first three resonance modes is detected via a low-power readout laser (1 μW) positioned at the cantilever tip. We find that the measured effect of back-action is not only dependent on position but also the shape of the resonance mode. Relevant silicon nitride material parameters are extracted by fitting the temperature-dependent frequency response of the first three modes to finite element (FE) simulations. In a second round of simulations, using the extracted parameters, we successfully fit the FEM results with the measured mode and position dependent back-action. Finally, different routes for minimizing the effect of this optical detection back-action are described, allowing further improvements of cantilever-based sensing in general.