ICTP Workshop on Path Integrals

ICTP Workshop in Trieste, on 3-7 July 2017

ICTP Workshop in Trieste, on 3-7 July 2017

Applications are open to participate in the ICTP Workshop on "Understanding Quantum Phenomena with Path Integrals: From Chemical Systems to Quantum Fluids and Solids", that will be held in Trieste on 3-7 July 2017.

The aim of this interdisciplinary Workshop is to gather together physicists and chemists who employ path-integral simulations on different systems, ranging from chemical and biochemical compounds, to quantum fluids/solids, to ultracold gases.

This Workshop will present the most recent methodological developments and applications to the intriguing quantum phenomena, including, e.g., isotope effects in aqueous systems, quantum fluctuations in enzyme catalysis, superfluid/supersolid transitions, and correlation effects in electronic systems. The programme will include 25 to 30 oral presentations given by invited speakers, a poster session and a flash talk session with short oral contributions. Participants who want to take part in these sessions should submit an abstract through the online application form.