Heatwave Plans - our warm recommendations

With the thermometers over 30°C, we need to adapt…

Don’t forget to adjust your work!

  • Shift physical activities (heavy tasks and sport) to early morning
  • Recovery breaks are not a luxury! (15 minutes every hour in a cooler location)

Drink before you feel thirsty!

  • Keep well hydrated (avoid alcohol and sweet drinks)
  • Eat cool and light meals

Take advantage of the cool temperatures at night

  • If possible, open the windows partially during the night or early in the morning
  • Close partially the windows and the external blinds during the day
  • Reinforce air movements

Listen to your body signals!

  • Call 115 in case of dizziness, headaches and exhaustion, nausea or vomiting

Attention danger!
Pay particular attention to all laboratory activities, even light ones!

  • At these elevated temperatures, even people in good health may be at risk, especially if they have to wear protective equipment
  • The quality of the breaks are important when conducting physically demanding tasks, even in areas provided with air-conditioning

The DSAS requires the activation of heatwave plans to health institutions of the canton and municipalities: http://www.vd.ch/actualite/archives/2015/7/01/articles/le-plan-canicule-est- active /