For a better drinking water quality

Dr Tony Merle, Dr Adrian Auckenthaler and Professor Urs von Gunten (left to right) in front of a drinking water pilot© 2016 Eawag

Dr Tony Merle, Dr Adrian Auckenthaler and Professor Urs von Gunten (left to right) in front of a drinking water pilot© 2016 Eawag

A big collaborative project with the Canton Basel-Country has come to an end recently. Researchers from EPFL, Eawag, ETHZ and the universities of Basel and Bern have investigated the drinking water quality and organizational aspects of water supplies in the Canton Basel-Country to assess the local situation. A number of suggestions for improvements related to water analysis, water management, water treatment and organization of water supplies have been proposed. 

Urs von Gunten from the Laboratory for Water Quality and Treatment (LTQE, EPFL) and the Competence Centre for Drinking Water at Eawag has co-directed the project "Regional Water Supply Canton Basel-Country 21" with Adrian Auckenthaler, head of the division water and geology of the office for environmental protection and energy of Canton Basel-Country.

The project started in 2013 and the synthesis report was published on November 14, 2016.