Finalist for a Doctoral Dissertation Award

© 2013 EPFL

© 2013 EPFL

Dr. Richard Tee, working with Prof. Anu Wadhwa (Chair CET) and Prof. Christopher L. Tucci (Chair CSI), was a finalist (one of three) for the Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award, held at the EGOS conference in Montreal, Canada, July 4-6 2013.

The award recognizes innovative scholarship demonstrated within a PhD thesis in any discipline within management and organization studies. It awards work that, in the opinion of the jury (which featured, among others, Joep Cornelissen, Joseph Lampel, William Starbuck, and Eero Vaara) was truly novel and creative in its theory development, use of methods or the empirical contexts covered in the dissertation. The award is supported by the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) and the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS).

Richard Tee wrote his dissertation at Imperial College London, funded by the Business School’s Innovation Studies Centre. His thesis was supervised by Annabelle Gawer and Andrew Davies, and examined by Michael Jacobides, Andrea Prencipe and Ammon Salter.