André Patrão donne une conférence à Smithsonian Associates

© 2021 EPFL

© 2021 EPFL

‘Architecture and Philosophy: A History of Interactions’ le 26 mars

Comment est-ce que l’architecture et la philosophie ont interagit ? Pourquoi ? Et quels sont les résultats ? André Patrão, post-doctorant au laboratoire ACHT, adresse ces questions et d’autres encore comme partie du programme Smithsonian Associates de cette année. La conférence aura lieu vendredi, le 26 mars, à 6:30pm ET. Les billets sont vendus directement sur la page de Smithsonian Associates, coûtant $25 pour le publique en général et $20 pour les membres.

Description du programme

What could architecture and philosophy have to do with one another? At first glance, not much it would seem. And yet an astonishing relation between them goes back as far as texts and treatises of ancient Greece and Rome. Ever since, it has shaped Romanic and Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages, affected the emergence of the architectural profession in the Renaissance, underlaid modernist ideas as well as critiques against it, and led to prolific experimental interactions between architects and philosophers throughout the second half of the 20th century.

As remarkably productive as profoundly problematic, this relation has now become academically and professionally institutionalized, confirming the continuing importance of an unlikely but influential bond between two fields apparently so far apart.